Monday, August 10, 2009

Brushing Your Teeth

The only thing I could do this morning was brush my teeth----and be sure you don't swallow any of the water! But it did feel lots better to get rid of the morning taste. I woke up at 6:55, the alarm was set for 8 a.m. I laid there for 5 minutes and Sandy saw that I was awake and moving around so he came to see about me. So we got up and took our morning walk. Even discovered a way that we can morning walk and not be in the sun!!! That was great. It's been there all along, I just wasn't thinking about it. The walk today was relaxing and cool with a nice breeze. Maybe we're fixing to cool down a little. We do have to says thanks for the rain we've received though. Tony & Elena said it was weird to see green grass everywhere. They are on strict water rationing in Kyle and all the grass is brown. San Antonio is the same way. It rains on the just and unjust, don't know which is which in this situation, but this I do know: God is with you whether you get rain or not. Even if it's a drought in your life, God is holding you in his hands that are full of cool, clear water.

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