Thursday, July 23, 2009

7-23-09 Preliminary Pathology Report

Dr Cartwright (radiologist reading my biopsy results) called and let me know that he had the preliminary results of the biopsy and "I'm afraid the results are not good." Gulp. "Your breast cancer is back in your liver." That is a huge step backwards with the HER2/neu type breast cancer. He said that Dr Brooks is checking for a clinical trial to put me in. Gulp. Gulp. Let me tell you why I gulped. When I first started the Chapter 1 chemo, I asked my oncologist if there was a clinical trial he could put me in. He told me that clinical trials were basically for people who couldn't afford the treatment OR for people who were so bad off that this was the only hope for them. When David & I walked out of Dr Gupta's office, I jokingly said that if an oncologist tells you he's looking for a clinical trial to put you in, you'd better be sizing up the coffin. Well, today that came true for me.

The official results of the biopsy will be in some time next week. Dr Brooks is on vacation next week, so it will be the next week before we start anything probably. I asked about radiation and he said that it is not an option for livers. Seems like they don't respond well to radiation. So we really don't know a whole lot more useful info than we knew yesterday, except we do have the gravity of the situation defined for us. I asked Dr Cartwright how many tumors there are in my liver and he said that there aren't 'tumors' that there are cancer cells diffused throughout my liver. That didn't sound real operable. He said that the final report will tell them exactly what the level of HER2/neu cells are and how to fight them.

I called Dr Laidley's office this afternoon and talked to her nurse, just to be sure that they knew what was going on and asked exactly what Dr Laidley's role is now since the breast cancer is now in my liver. She said that I will continue to see Dr Laidley on a routine basis, but right now Dr Brooks will be leading the action. I just didn't want to get chewed out again by this striking tall slender breast surgeon!

This is all just surreal. We're going to fight just like we did before---but now it is for keeps. Prayers are accepted 24/7.


Unknown said...

Oh, sweet girl, I am so sorry you are having to deal with this again, (sorry for you too David.) You have such a terrific way of communicating your story - and then I realize 'its Vickie' we are talking about here and it all becomes too real! Your whole attitude and personality (in sickness and health) have always been a huge blessing for me. I appreciate it. I have you on my prayer list now - and God is continuous so we are in good. I don't express myself as well as you do, but I will communicate with you along the way. Love you, Elaine

Melissa said...

Vickie Vickie Vickie!!!!!!! I'll be praying for you sweet lady. I am just around the corner...please let me know if you need anything. I'm sharing my life verse and favorite poem again...Joshua 1:9 and Footprints. He is with you through it all. And, when you only see 1 set of footprints, he's carried you. Let Him. He loves you. He won't drop you. He won't leave you behind. You are his begotten.