Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday the 9th

Sandy just doesn't understand why Mama can't get down in the floor and play with him like before Friday! So Dad has to do double duty rough-housing with him to run his energy off.
I have a little more energy today and don't feel as sore all over. Took a peek under the bandages and everything looks better than I expected. The left breast is really swollen and bruised a bit from removing the mediport and inserting the silicone implant in it. And the right breast with the silicone implant is SOFT again, instead of hard like it was with the tissue expander. The left breast is firmer than it was because the doctor removed so much of the cystic junk out of it at the reduction in May and then he placed in the silicone implant in it Friday so the 2 breasts will more closely resemble each other. The nipple he constructed on the right breast is absolutely amazing. I wish you all could see it-----well, maybe not-----but trust me, it is really really amazing. Later Dr. Hodges will tattoo around it in pink to match the left breast.
I hope to sleep better tonight, learned my lesson and am taking 2 Valiums at bedtime.

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