Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Waiting is Over and I'm Feeling Better

Friday is kind of a blur, except we had to wait from 6 a.m. to about 7 a.m. to see Dr. Hodges for him to come draw on me before surgery. I remember that and saying bye to David and rolling into the surgery room. I asked if this is where he does most of his surgeries and he said Dr. Hodges said yes. I woke up in recovery around 11 a.m. I was groggy and I really like the feeling of being under with the drugs they give you so I wasn't in any hurry to wake up. But his nice man named Michael from England kept coaxing me to wake up. He is from York, has been here 30 years but still has that great British accent. He followed the Beatles, loves the Royal family, even though he knows us commoners don't understand that. We had a good visit. He wheeled me back to my room where David was waiting.

I had to stay in the hospital until Dr Hodges came back by mid-afternoon to check on me to release me. I told them I was hungry. She brings some honey graham crakers& saltine crackers. I ate the grahams. I'm still hungry. She brings some jello. I'm still hungry. She brings a cup of chicken noodle soup. David squished up all the saltines, went to get some salt for me and that was wonderful soup. Then I ate some more graham crackers.

Dr Hodges finally showed up around 5 p.m. he said I could go home if I wanted to, which I did. I ate a bowl of cereal for supper. And got a Route 44 Strawberry Fruit Slushy with extra-extra strawberries on the way home. Yum. We have to go see him Monday for him to change the bandages. It's really odd. The right side hasn't bothered me hardly at all, because it is all numb from the mastectomy. But boy, the left side is talking to me. Especially today. And where he removed my mediport is itchin like crazy.

I've been eating like a horse and sleeping pretty good, at least last night. Friday night was awful. I forgot to put a pillow under my knees until 2:30 in the morning when I got up to take some more Valium & Vicadin. That helped. I've been sitting in my recliner most of the day working word find puzzles. Nothing on TV to watch. I tried taking a nap, but that didn't happen.

I'm just so thankful to have this all overwith, except for the tattoo later in this office. It's spit bathes for a while now and no reaching over my head or picking up anything heavy.

Sandy just does not understand what is wrong with Mama and why I'm not playing with him like I have been! He is so cute. In one sense it's like he knows something is wrong and he is treating me different and then the next minute----he's taking a nip out of my. So you have to watch him. I sat outside with him twice today so he could play with someone out there.

Once again, Medical City Dallas was just wonderful. The nurses and everyone were so gracious and caring. We are so pleased to be there.

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