Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Date is Set for My Next Surgery

My plastic surgeon's office called today to advise that we are a go for my next surgery for Friday, March 7, at 7:30 a.m. So we have to go see him for pre-op on February 19. I've got to call back tomorrow and see if he's going to remove my mediport at the same time. Hope so. Maybe we can wrap up all these loose ends at once.

Interesting. Just today I noticed that the outer skin over the tissue expander is actually loose. That means the skin has stretched over it and it's time for him to insert some more saline. And I am soooooo looking forward to that. That breast and all the muscles attached to my right arm have been really sore ever since the last insertion on 1-8-08. Writing this made me get out my little appointment cards and see when the next appointment is. . . rather was, to go put some saline in it. I was supposed to go to his office this p.m. ----OOPS! But the date didn't register with me. I'm surprised that they didn't ask me where I was when they called about the pre-op visit. I'll have to call and reschedule that this week or next.

I go in the morning for an annual pap test. Interesting. I read in a magazine this week that one of the things that hurts the survival chances of cancer patients is that they are so glad to be through with all the doctor visits after treatment is over, that they neglect the routine checkups, like pap tests and mammograms and self-exams. Please schedule your's today!

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