Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fill 'Er Up!

We saw Dr. Hodges today, my plastic surgeon. It has been long enough now since my last radiation treatment for him to start putting in more saline in the tissue expander. And that's just what he did---60 cc worth. He brought out the little magnet on a string and waved it over my right breast to let it find the port in the expander. Then he marked that little spot with a marker, then injected some deadener there. Then he brought out the cow syringe and inserted the saline.

Too funny again, when he took out the syringe, blood was literally spurting out of me. His assistant grabbed some gauze and had me to apply pressure on it for several minutes. Dr. Hodges always gets excited about the spurting blood.

His plan is for me to come back every 3 weeks for 2-3 months for injections so that the skin on the right breast is well stretched to accept the implant that he'll put in around February of 2008. He was pleased with my skin, so I put in my plug for Bio-Oil with him, too. He was very interested and asked me to bring him some information on it when I come back in 3 weeks. Since a lot of what he does leaves scars, the Bio-Oil could really be a big deal for his patients. I'm thinking about writing the company to do endorsements for them. . . . It's really done wonders on my breast skin and the scars from surgery. And yes, I'm a l-i-t-t-l-e bit tender after the injection.

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