Saturday, July 18, 2009

Alvin & the Fence & Sandy

The day finally came. Sandy saw a squirrel in the backyard and let us know it. So David readied the back door for a quick exit. Sandy was all hunkered down and hit the backporch running towards Alvin---Alvin was on the brace of our fence. Sandy jumped and hit the fence, knocking Alvin to the ground. The next thing we knew Sandy's mouth was on Alvin. I was yelling & David finally got Sandy off of the poor squirrel. Alvin scampered up the tree then. But he wasn't scampering very fast. He acted like one of his back legs was injured. He climbed up higher in the tree.

So-----we have closed the blinds in the back of the house so Sandy can't see squirrels out there. We still have them pulled up in the front yard because by the time he gets out of the house, the squirrels out there have lots more room to run than in our backyard.

Sandy is sad that he can't see out in the backyard anymore. He doesn't understand. But we don't want him to kill any Alvins, just chase them!

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