Tuesday, July 28, 2009

7-28-09 No News Yet

I called Rhonda, the RN from MCD, on my way home from work. I told her that I wasn't trying to harrass her, but that I just needed to see if she had heard anything. No, she had checked with the lab early this morning and said she would check again when she hung up with me. She didn't call me back, so no news. Rhonda did have a great idea though. She went into Dr. Brooks' scheduler and gave me his first appointment Monday morning when he gets back from vacation. That was a great idea, as that will give David & me a chance to talk to him face-to-face and get some questions, options and outcomes explained. Surely by Monday they will have the receptor report done. Rhonda said if they didn't have it by noon tomorrow, she was calling them to let them know that I have an appointment with Dr. Brooks Monday morning.

Rhonda asked if I was feeling OK, so I told her about the ache down my middle and that my liver is tender. But I also had to confess that I might have overdone it this last weekend loving on everybody. I have felt much better today after being still and not doing anything extra.

Rhonda also told me that there are 2 different clinical trials (hereafter referred to as C/T) available. One for the Her-2/neu study and one if the cancer happens to have changed into something else. So that was good to know, too.

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