Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Bath for Two

Our new alarm clock (named Sandy) woke me up this morning barking & whimpering at the backdoor. 6:54 a.m. on a Saturday is sleeping time, but he thought it was play time. I got up, grabbed my long housecoat and went outside to rescue him from the horrible tortures in the backyard. I brought him back upstairs to our bathroom and let the water run in my garden tub. Immediately Sandy starts standing up by the tub and whining.

There was nothing else I could do but get in the tub and put Sandy in there with me! He loved it. We hadn't been in the tub long until David got up and caught us. Sandy then wanted out to play with him, but he stayed in long enough to get him clean and then we got out and dried off.

And NO, I didn't smell like a dog all day. He smelled like a person!

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