Friday, January 4, 2008

King of the Kowboys

Tony & Elena left their beautiful Golden Retriever, Kowboy, here with us after last weekend because they are going to Kiev, Ukraine later this month and will be gone about 5 weeks. Elena's dad passed away recently so they are going to see her mom, Nadia, and her brother and sister.

So we are babysitting Kowboy. He's just a big old baby. Kelly & Tami kept Kowboy when he was younger and wound up with free cable because he chewed up their cable line. Tonight after supper, Kowboy got to come in the house. He went right to David's recliner and jumped up on it, was told to get down, and he did. He then went right over to my recliner and got up in it. At his house in Kyle, he has his own soft chair on his back porch that he lays in all the time. In fact he won't get in his doghouse at home, just gets in his chair.

He was really curious about the TV and 2 ceramic owls that are sitting in front of our fireplace. I had to use some leftover bread to get him back outside. He LOVES bread---------and pasta and ham bones and anything else that comes from the house.

Tomorrow we have to go get a bale of hay straw at a farm store for his lean-to we built for him.

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