Thursday, October 18, 2007

Pink, Pink, Pink

Everywhere you go this month, you see something pink---pins, ribbons, hats, t-shirts. You name it and you see it this month because October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

There is a special lady named Barbra who works in the restaurant in our building. Barbra is walking because of the women she knows who have breast cancer. This year she is walking especially for Linda Pierce, Lillian Carmans and Janell Case. Barbra has gone to doctor appointments, chemo treatments. Not for herself, but as a buddy for a friend who needed someone to go with her. Thank you, Barbra!

Have you done a breast self-exam this month??? Had a mammogram this year if you're over 40 or if you have cancer in your family??? Please do it! The life you save could be your own.


Tami said...

I bought pink canned cinnamon rolls tonight at HEB!

VLS said...

David took me out to eat tonight at The County Line. Had baby back ribs and fresh made bread and strawberry lemonade. We celebrated my one year anniversary since I found the breast cancer. Enjoy those pink cinnamon rolls and celebrate life!