Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tennis Elbow

For the last week my left elbow has been giving me twinges. Last weekend it was giving me fits. One time I reached over to the end table by my recliner to get my glass of tea with my left arm and it just said "NO!" It hurt so bad, I had to just put it down. So I nursed it the rest of the weekend and called my oncologist to see about it.

The Herceptin I'm taking can cause arthritis, as can the other poisons they gave me during chemo. They told me to take Tylenol brand placebos or Motrin and if it swells or gets worse to come see Dr. Brooks.

But I'm feeling stronger every day and the radiation areas are healing great. I was prepared to have tanned, orange-peel skin. I do have some extra freckles now that I didn't have before, but other than that, I am so thankful for how the radiation went!

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