Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Angel Down the Alley

David & I were eating supper tonight when the doorbell rang-----very unusual at our house. He got up to see who it was. It was a lady. I saw her go back to her car and get a large vase of flowers and David opened the door for her to come in. Her name is Carla. She lives 3 houses down our alley. We've never spoken to her at all, but have waved at her lots of times as we drive by her house because she is always out in her yard working. She had been talking to Sandy, our next door neighbor, and Sandy told her about my breast cancer. Carla said she wanted to do something for me, so she got the flowers.

I told her that she made my day, which was putting it mildly, she more like blew me away! For someone I've never spoken to, to care that much was so touching. She hugged me and left. David and I were so touched that she did that. What an angel!

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