Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reach to Recovery

When I was in the hospital after my mastectomy, this nice lady came to visit us from the American Cancer Society. She had a little bag with goodies in it and just came by to see if we needed anything and to tell us about the ACS. Ever since then I've been interested in becoming a volunteer like her. I knew they had a 'waiting' period after your treatment & surgeries. Tuesday I called to see about the process. They have changed their requirements for the year waiting period and interview you and get a recommendation from your primary cancer doctor to allow you to volunteer. I got my application today in the mail and have it completed. Dr. Laidley, my breast surgeon, will get to put her blessing on me doing this.

The Reach to Recovery program is specifically for breast cancer survivors helping each other. The lady who called me yesterday said that they have opportunities for you to visit by phone, in homes & in the hospital. I told her that I could do all of those, given that I am so close to Medical City Dallas at work, that would be easy to do visits during lunch. And I signed up for home visits here in Rowlett and Rockwall.

There is an 8 hour training class given by the ACS on a Saturday, the next one is April 25. In order to volunteer at MCD you have to attend a 3-4 hours training there also. I am so excited about doing this! Yes, there will be challenges and tears. But there will be blessings and laughs, too. More as I learn more!

And here's the kicker: I'm filling out the application tonight and I can't remember when I had my reconstruction surgery!!! I thought those dates would be engraved in my memory forever. God is gracious --- and the brain is going!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I love you! peggy