Monday, February 9, 2009

Nightly Massages

As part of our nightly routine, I run our Homedics massager over David's legs and his back. At first this just drove Sandy nuts. He'd bark and jump away any time I would come near him with the thing. Then he got braver and braver until he would actually touch it with his nose, still barking the whole time. One night I turned it way down slow and caught him and put it on his hindquarters of his back legs. He loved it. Now David's lucky if I finish his massage without getting interrupted by Sandy begging for HIS massage. He just comes and stands by me and looks at me with those big, sad, brown puppy dog eyes and it's his turn then. And NO, he's not one bit spoilt!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pathetic...just plain pathetic.