Sunday, July 13, 2008

Moving At Work & HP Photo Paper

This week our Finance unit at work has relocated on our same floor so that where people sit makes more sense and we're all together. I am now in a supervisor cube and have a window view looking to the west at the intersection of The High Five, I-75 and I-635. Our cubes are built in such a way that your PC goes in the corner and has an adjustable shelf for your keyboard. I hate the shelf---I'm always banging my knees on the bars underneath and it is impossible to write on it. And besides that my back would have been to the great view I now have. So I chose to be different and face the windows (and I get no glare from them on my PC screen and no, the glare doesn't hurt my eyes.) It's so nice now when I'm running a query in Access and am waiting for it to finish to just watch all the little ants moving around on the highways.

During the move I took down all the favorite photos I've taken from the end of my cube cabinet. I had noticed that about half of them were faded and others were still beautiful and vivid colored just like when I put them up there BC (Before Cancer) so they had almost 2 years of daily exposure to light. I turned them over to look at the back of the photo------ALL of the faded ones were OFFICE MAX photo 4x6s!!!! ALL of the vivid ones were HP photo 4x6s.

I won't be tempted to save some money and get anything else but HP photo paper. I'm including examples of 2 of the photos so you can see the difference. The top photo is at San Angelo's Fort Concho printed on Office Max paper, the bottom is Mt Rainier in Washington printed on HP paper. Just a word to the wise---buy Hewlett Packard photo paper if you want long-lasting prints. When I put these 2 photos up, both were the same vividness. Daddy, thanks again for the big pack of HP paper last weekend!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Boy, I will never use anything other than good photo paper again. I need to go check what I have right now. I might need to get rid of it!