Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Oops! Sorry, thanks for Calling!

I called the IRS this morning about the $24K they wanted from us. The lady I spoke with was VERY nice and knowledgeable. They only needed to know one thing: That the stocks I sold were from a STOCK OPTION. Then she says, "Oh, I see that on your W2 now. You completed your tax form 1044 just right. Just disregard that letter. In about a week you'll get a letter from us telling you everything is OK." OK? OK? I get a letter saying we owe $24K and it's OK? It would have been nice if the letter had just said, "Please call us as we have stupid questions about your tax return." But then that would be too easy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can you believe the IRS? Just as if a letter for $24,000 is nothing to be concerned about. I'm glad it's straightened out now though.