Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hair Today - Gone Tomorrow!

I had to work at it, but I convinced my hairdresser to give me a permanent today. Bless her heart, Melissa is the one that we went to on December 9, 2006 and had her to shave all my hair off. She has been really reluctant to perm my hair, for fear that it would fall out or gum up. She did it today on the condition that she would try one roller at the back nape of my neck to see how the hair would respond. It did just fine, so off we went to roll it all up. It is sooo nice to have body back in my hair! Since the stubble fell out during the chemo, what has come back in doesn't seem to be quite as coarse as my hair used to be, so my hair just lays flat against my head.

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