Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Every Dog Needs Stairs

Sandy's newest trick today is climbing our stairs with his squirrel or rabbit in his mouth. That's a real treat just watching him accomplish this, since he sort of hops up the stairs one at a time with both front feet and then both back feet. He discovered this morning that it is fun to drop the toy and watch it tumble down the stairs. Then he takes off after it. He is too cute chasing the stuffed animal down the stairs. And when he hits the tile floor at the foot of the stairs, he goes spinning out. He only cried a little bit tonight when we put him out for bedtime. So maybe that is getting better. He loves his dog house.

And he LOVES bread. I fed him 1/2 slice last night and he just about attacked me when I sat down on the floor with him. He got the other 1/2 tonight after his supper and he was so excited. Kowboy loves bread, too. Maybe it's a Golden Retriever thing. Our other dogs would eat bread if you put some grease on it. Sandy doesn't like Gold Fish crackers. Learned that last night. Just spits them out.

David had to put bricks around our fence this morning. I looked out the kitchen window and he was digging for all his little paws are worth and in no time he would have made a hole big enough for him to go through. People are just no fun. Ahhhhh, babies---eer, puppies!

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