Friday, October 12, 2007

Snope It Out First

I don't know about your email life, but almost every day I receive a worn-out, tired fw/fw/fw/fw/fw email from a fellow emailer. It purports to give facts about some event, some person, some cure, some urban legend, something that just sounds too good or too amazing to be true.

I was a victim of the need to pass these around until my DIL, Tami, educated me on Snopes is a wonderful site to see if what you're reading or hear from an office conversation is really true. All you have to do is pull up the site and type in a few words dealing with the event in question in their search bar and boom! You have your answer.

Pretty cool site. At least now I research stuff before sending it out, so maybe I'm not keeping the yellow snow rolling along. . . . . . Here's a link below about the horrible news that the new dollar coin won't have "In God We Trust" on it. Lies, all lies. Enjoy!!!

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