Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Look Out Serena, Here I Come!

My left elbow has been hurting for some weeks now and is getting worse. Not being able to pick up a 3 lb tub of butter is a little bit much. So I went to see an orthopedic surgeon today on the advise of my oncologist. Dr. Duchamp asked me a few questions, pressed on my elbow and I yelped, pushed my hand down and I yelped.

He told me I was going to have to quit playing tennis so much. I looked at him real serious and told him that I don't play tennis. Then he laughed and said that I have tennis elbow and that you don't necessarily get it from playing tennis. Mine is most probably a "side effect" from the chemo. It's been a while since I've had one, so it was time. He gave me a cortisone shot in that elbow, so now it has a bruise on it. And he prescribed Mobic, an anti-inflammatory drug to help get the swelling and pain down. The thing is, that Mobic counteracts with my Cumadin blood thinner, so I can't take it very long. I've got some exercises to do for the tennis elbow. He took xrays just to make sure, but he said I have a normal elbow, so that is good.

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