Saturday, September 8, 2007

Robin Red Breast Alert!

Yesterday was #24 out of 28 for radiation. My radiation team is now officially worried about me and the condition of my right breast. I guess I can officially start whining about it now. They were all urging me to watch the skin very closely and keep it medicated this weekend to avoid blisters and open sores.

My nurse, Wendy, gave me some more hydrogel pads to put on the skin. Then she came back in as I was dressing and wrote down the name 'Domeboro Soaks' for me. So I picked up a box at Walgreen's on the way home. It is little powder packets that you put in water and wet a washcloth with the solution, then soak the affected skin with the cloth. We watched a movie last night and I soaked for about an hour. There was a noticeable difference in the skin afterwards. This would be good for lots of skin ailments, either as a compress like I'm using or as a soak. I'll use it lots this weekend. Since it has aluminum traces in it, I'll have to be sure and wash it off good Tuesday morning when I have my next radiation treatment. Don't want to be sparking like a fork in a microwave.

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